Ups and Downs to be A Campus's Reporter

I love write, but very difficult to find ideas for writing. I am active in journalism since at Vocational High School. Now, I joined in SKETSA Student Press Agency Mulawarman University. My main goal to follow this organization is learning to write. Now, I was a reporter and an online editor.

Monday, January 30, I got an assignment to interview a student nature lovers organization, IMAPA Mulawarman University. I interviewed IMAPA related cases MAPALA Islam University Indonesia a few days ago. Actually, I was afraid to meet IMAPA members, because their style is so distiactive. I thought they are not friendly. But, I was wrong, they are very kind and welcomed me. In fact, at the end of the interview, they made a glass of hot chocolate milk for me, while chatting lightly together.

Friday, February 3, I had occasion to visit Faculty of Economic and Business Mulawarman University. This was my first experience to visit FEB. I've been visited all faculties at Mulawarman University, like Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Public Health, Pharmacy, Faculty of Computer Information and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Social Political Sciences, Faculty of Foresty, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Education at Gunung Kelua, at Pahlawan street, even at Banggris street.

I along with my friend, Adlina from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. We got the task of finding futher information related to cases of extortion in Magister Management Faculty of Economic and Business last year. We both got confused looking room administration, because we still not familiar there. Until in the room administration, we did not get a satisfied answer. Finally, a dean's secretary said that she would call us back after break. However, after wait until nearly four o'clock, we also never contacted. Finally we decided to go back to FEB and meet dean direcly.

On Friday too, I get a reward (reporter award in January) as a reporter with the most post. I never thought I got an award like that. I made it to motivate me to more active and looking for news. The gift that I got make me happy. I got a book called "Seandainya Saya Wartawan Tempo". It was a book that very I want.


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